- At the end of March 2009 there were 84 full-time social worker posts vacant. Children’s Services accounted for 45 of these full-time vacancies.
- Between September 2008 and March 2009 WSCC spent almost £1.5m on agency social workers to fill core posts.
- In particular, £763,000 was spent in agency fees in Children’s Services to cover just 20 posts. I have calculated this to equate to £5,500 per agency social worker per month, in comparison to the usual council salary of £2,000 per month for a permanent social worker[1] – costing the local council tax payer 63% more compared to if a permanent council social worker was employed.
- WSCC has only met once with Ofsted since January 2008. The meeting was for the Annual Performance Assessment in October 2008 to discuss the performance of Children's Social Care.
Taking the politics out of the situation, I was lost for words when I found out the above information, especially when you put in the forefront of your mind that social services exist to protect vulnerable children and adults. When I started to scrutinise West Sussex County Council’s social services I never thought in a million years I would unearth findings to this shocking extent.
I acknowledge the announcement and effort made by WSCC in November 2008 to spend £500,000 on a recruitment campaign to fill the outstanding social worker vacancies. However we are now in April, some 5 months since the announcement, and clearly no improvements have been made. I find it absolutely extraordinary that 84 full-time social worker posts still remain vacant. My main concern is for all those vulnerable children and adults that are in potential danger across West Sussex.
I am also concerned that social services are spilt between the portfolios of Cllr Arculus and Cllr De Mierre. It is not surprising things are in such a mess when social services is divided between these two Cabinet Members. Surely the Department would be more effective if social services became the responsibility of just one Cabinet Member who held overall responsibility?
And that is why today I am calling on Cllr Henry Smith, Leader of West Sussex County Council, to take a non-partisan approach and to meet with me to see where I can help. Only by working together across the political spectrum are we going to resolve this crisis. This is paramount if the vulnerable children and adults are to be given the justice they deserve in West Sussex.
[1] This is based on the assumption that a permanent council social worker starts on £24,000 p.a.
What action have you taken and are you taking to resolve the situation? And how can others in the county help in this?