Friday, 22 May 2009

Its no laughing matter

I thought it was very inappropriate to read in the Worthing Herald (14 May) one of the Worthing Tory MPs joke “I have never charged any mock beam installation or moat clearance!” Quite frankly the whole situation is far from being a laughing matter, nor should we be grateful that our local MPs didn’t claim for absurd expenses.

Some MPs, from all parties, do not seem to understand what is morally acceptable. They shouldn’t need anyone to tell them that claiming for the clearance of a moat, nappies, chandeliers, toilet seats and gardening is wrong. Being an MP is not an excuse to stick your hand in the taxpayers pocket and help yourself. It’s not just wrong now, it has always been wrong.

Some MPs expenses are simply fraudulent. If this is the case, then simply paying the money back and apologising is totally inadequate. Any other employee caught fiddling their expenses would be sacked on the spot. If we want to restore public faith in politics then everybody should be treated the same. MP or not, stealing from the public purse should mean you explain yourself to the police and, if necessary, being prosecuted.
Politicians’ most precious asset is trust and I know from speaking to voters across Worthing during the weekend that we have a lot of work to do to regain it. I make a round trip of 88 miles to work each day with my job, working for a national charity, spending nearly three hours each day traveling. It would be marvelous to have a second home near work, or have my travel expenses paid by my employer. However, like many other hard working people around the country, I live in the real world.Voters deserve better than the scandal that is casting a cloud over Westminster right now.
At the next General Election voters will be able to look at their MP’s expenses and use their vote accordingly.

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